I help guys over 40 get in the best shape of their lives.
The Comeback Story
Like a lot of guys, I had a wake up call when I turned 40. I was prioritizing my family and my business over my mental and physical health. I was managing my stress by over eating and I had stopped moving and working out. I was caught in the all too common vicious cycle of poor sleep, lack of exercise, mindless eating, high stress and ultimately, depression. Worst of all, I wasn't actually giving my best to my family or my business. So in reality, I wasn't prioritizing anything! I felt low energy, I felt irritable, I felt stuck.
Then it clicked! I realized to give my family and my business my best, I had to prioritize my health. If I wanted to feel better, feel more energy and less stress, I have to move daily, get better sleep and start eating intentionally (notice I didn't say 'eat healthy'). Cue the comeback, baby! I decided to make small changes over time, rather than get caught up in the all or nothing thinking that often plagues quick, but unsustainable, results. I started small, one habit at a time. I saw slow progress, but progress none the less and it paid off.
I'm in great shape, I look fit and I feel great. Best of all, I can give my best to my family and I am taking my business to the next level. Now, I want the same for you.
I'm on a mission to help guys over 40 prioritize and optimize their health so they can look better, feel better and do better. Join me, and let's connect, as we pursue our best health and our best lives.
Let's Connect