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Craig Spear Coaching
Ep. 048 - Year in Preview: What's In Store for 2024

Ep. 048 - Year in Preview: What's In Store for 2024

Dec 25, 2023


In 2024, we're not just talking about health; we're putting systems in place to ensure consistent success. 

In this episode, get an exclusive glimpse into my own health and fitness journey, where I am going to tackle a year-long fitness program, and join me in monthly interactive challenges, starting with our January push-up challenge, to push our limits and discover our full potential together.

Whether you're looking to improve cardiovascular fitness, resistance training, mobility, or core strength, I'll be there every step of the way, providing you with practical systems and motivational content to make 2024 your fittest year yet. Join me in my membership, The Arena, and let's transform our health together.


Welcome to man in the Arena, your go-to podcast for all things related to health and weight loss for men over 40. Here we discuss strategies that will get you off the sidelines and into the game so you can achieve your optimal health. It's time to lead a legacy of longevity. Hello, my friends, and welcome back to the last episode of man in the Arena for 2023. I hope you've enjoyed your holidays and are now gearing up for a year of your best health ever in 2024. And if you're feeling unsure of how that's going to happen, you are in the right place when this episode comes out. There's still going to be a few days left before the new year and, as such, I wanted to use this episode to share a behind-the-scenes. Look not only at the podcast going forward, but I also wanted to give you a behind-the-scenes into my personal life and share what I have going on in my health and my fitness pursuits as we enter the new year. So this is a way to get inside my head a bit and get a sense for what my brain is thinking. Let's start with the man in the arena and what's coming up for 2024. As I mentioned last week, I've learned so much this year and I've reached my goals in a lot of ways, especially with this podcast. So one of the things I'm really excited about is relaunching man in the Arena on January 2nd for Season 2. Of course, that means I'm going to do a new intro, a new outro, some new music and I'm kind of rebranding the spear method a little bit. Nothing major, I'm just looking to kind of refresh the look, give it a bit of an upgrade. Now, at the same time, I've recognized this year the importance of systems and processes in terms of creating this consistency day to day and then, ultimately, success. So with the relaunch of man in the Arena, I'm also going to dedicate more time in each episode to offering practical systems that's going to help you achieve success day in and day out. So be ready to level up your systems and your processes in 2024. Next, I'm going to focus on delivering content that specifically addresses themes. So, for example, a few themes I'm going to be covering in the podcast, in the arena membership and in my 1-to-1 coaching in the new year are three core themes of showing up, getting in the reps and then finishing what you start. After all, you can't get results without showing up and doing the reps, and when you finish what you start, you build confidence and self-trust. So that's just one example of the themes that we're going to go forward with in the new year. Now, lastly, in Season 2 of man in the Arena, you can also expect more challenges. I'm going to challenge you to take action more often. In fact, I'm also challenging myself to take more action in the new year, and one of the ways I'm going to do that is by offering more challenges that we can aspire to achieve as a way to not only stay motivated but realize what else is possible when we have a defined focus. So, for example, january is going to be a push-up challenge month, and stay tuned for that. Speaking of my personal pursuits, my own health and wellness goals and efforts continue to evolve, as will yours, and remember this is an iterative process, so don't expect things to stay static this time. Last year, I was gearing up for a 90 day challenge, and it was a fantastic experience. It motivated me in a lot of ways and helped me really learn a lot about myself. This year, I'm working on something a little bit different. It's a year long fitness program that runs from January 1st until December 31st, so over the course of an entire year, I'm going to complete 12 different exercise phases. Each one of these is going to be comprised of three weeks of workouts, followed by an active recovery week. As I mentioned before, each phase is going to have a theme and an associated challenge, and my goal here is to create a system and a plan that I can follow all year long and become as fit as I possibly can. So that means focusing on what I believe are the main elements of fitness Cardiovascular fitness, resistance training, mobility and core strength. When I trained for peak performance as a football player, this was something I did. I created, along with my coaches at the time, a year long training program that was progressive, and it addressed my weaknesses and then also optimized my strengths. When I stopped training for football, I got away from a year long training program. So I'm excited to get back to this and, more importantly, I'm excited to invite you to participate in this with me. That's right. I'm inviting you to be part of this as well. Now, you do not have to be in shape, you do not have to be a former athlete. In fact, I have created this program with different levels of fitness in mind. I've built out three different tiers. Tier one is for guys who are just getting started and maybe they've never really worked with me before. Tier two was for guys who have some fitness experience but still have room for some big gains. And then tier three is for guys who have worked with me for a while and they understand sort of how I program and how the language that I kind of use to communicate the programs. Now it doesn't matter where you start, you could always progress. So if you're in tier one, you're going to move up to tier two and tier three, and so it's very customizable as you go through this program, even though it's going to be offered sort of in a group package. One thing I want you to remember if you've listened to my podcast before, you know I'm not an all or nothing guy, so this is not a hardcore, super intense program. What this is is an opportunity to be part of something where you have accountability, you have focus and you have structure. The best part of all is you do not have to think about what to do next or how to plan all of this programming. That's what I'm taking care of. Plus, you get to work alongside a bunch of other guys who are doing this exact work, and there's nothing more motivating than that. So that is my focus, personally and within the spear method, heading into 2024. I have an awesome plan in place. In fact, I've never been more ready for a new year than I am right now, and it feels so freeing and I have so much confidence. And if this sounds interesting or exciting to you, I encourage you to reach out to me and ask me how you can get involved. I want you to reach out to me directly. I believe so deeply in this program and I want as many guys as possible to be involved. So if you have questions, reach out to me. If this sounds interesting to you, but you have some doubt and some hesitation, reach out. All right, it's normal to feel that way, and if you feel that way, that means now is the perfect time, because we need this layer of discomfort in order to grow, and a little bit of doubt and a little bit of fear means it's go time. So I want you to reach out to me, craig, at the spear methodcom. C R A I G at T H E, s, p E A R, m E, t H O D dot com. All right, guys, that's where I'm going to end it. That's all I have for you for this episode for the entire 2023 year. It's been a while ride. I am so grateful for all of you for listening, and I can't wait to jump into 2024, because we got a lot of great work to do together. I hope that this behind the scenes content perked your interest a little bit and, if not, it gave you some ideas of your own. I look forward to a new year and another season of man in the man in the arena. With you, let's keep leading a legacy of good health and longevity. If you're ready to step inside the arena and change the trajectory of your health, head on over to the spear methodcom and download my free guide to learn simple and effective strategies on how to optimize your health today.

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