The Spear Method
Ep. 009 - Success Leaves Clues

Ep. 009 - Success Leaves Clues

Mar 28, 2023


I'm a huge believer in modelling other people who have already achieved what I want to achieve.

In today's episode of Man in the Arena, I share common traits observed in my most successful clients.

Drawing from 20 years of experience as a coach and trainer, I discuss six success clues: curiosity, humility, capacity, extreme ownership, valuing recovery, and levelling up.

I encourage you to integrate these clues into your health and weight loss journey or seek out others who have already achieved their goals and learn about their success clues.


 Success leaves clues. Today I'm revealing the common traits I've noticed in my most successful clients.

Welcome to Man in the Arena, your go-to podcast for all things related to health and weight loss for men over 40. Here we discuss strategies that will get you off the sidelines and into the game so you can achieve your optimal health. It's time to lead a legacy of longevity. Hello and thank you for stopping by the arena.

You know, I always get excited about the content I offer to my audience, and today is no different because I'm gonna share with you all the commonalities that my most successful clients embody. I've been very fortunate to work with hundreds and thousands of people in the last 20 years as a coach and as a trainer.

And so I have a ton of case studies to draw from. And like Jim Road once said, success leaves clues. So I'm a big believer in finding people who have already achieved the results that I wanna see. And then I looked to implement what they did into my life. So for example, when I was growing up, I learned about Jerry Rice, the famous San Francisco 49ers receiver, and I learned about his crazy workouts and his work ethic and how even though he wasn't the most skilled receiver or the fastest, he worked his way to becoming the greatest receiver of all time.

And so I tried to embody that as a receiver and, and as a football player, that work ethic. Same with Wayne Gretzky. I remember hearing how he would get up early before school every day and then practice on a rink that his dad had made in the backyard. And I learned how he just loved to practice. And so I really embodied that and tried to emulate that and really seeing the most fun in practice.

And then even today, you know, I have some big goals to help a lot of people and grow my coaching business. So I've sought out other coaches who are already where I want to be, and I've hired them to mentor me and then, then emulate what they're doing and pull from them things that I can integrate into my business and in my coaching.

So with that, I'm gonna share with you six things that I've noticed about my most successful clients. And my hope is that you're, you're gonna either integrate these into your own health and weight loss journey, or you're gonna find someone who has already done what you wanna do and then seek their success clues that they've left behind.

Now there's a little disclaimer here though before I start. By no means do you have to use these success clues to be successful yourself. I believe that everyone's health and weight loss journey is their own, and so take this information and apply it as you see fit. Okay, so the first success clue is curiosity.

My most successful clients, what I've noticed is they all show up with a notepad. They're ready to take notes. And they have this intent look on their face, but most importantly is they ask questions. They're really curious. In fact, I'm gonna take this one step further. They're not afraid to ask questions.

So I know when someone has a curious personality, when I hear them say, let me ask you something, or I have a question, and they wanna be clear with the information they're receiving, and they come from this place of experience. So there's a certain level of self-awareness that they inherently possess. So be curious, ask questions, get answers to the confusing elements of your own weight loss and health process, and being curious is going to open up so much more information for you and really help you gain more insight as to what you need to do and what you need to change in order to succeed.

The second success clue is humility, and I believe this kind of goes hand in hand with curiosity. So I've worked with some very powerful people and they know a lot, they have a ton of experience, ton of life experience. And what I find, you know, really fascinating is the more successful people are, the more humble they are, which leads them to ask more questions because they know they don't know it all.

And so I think of this, uh, pyramid of Mastery or the four stages of learning, which kind of illustrates this. And the pyramid of mastery goes from the base, which is this unconscious incompetence. So we don't know what we don't know, and then moving up from there, you go to conscious incompetence, so we know what we don't know at that point.

And then moving up from there, you have this layer of conscious competence, so you know what to do and you're able to do it. And then the last level of the pyramid, the peak part of the pyramid is unconscious competence. So you don't even have to think about doing the proper thing. And it's been my experience that people who are curious and humble, they don't spend a lot of time in the lower half of the pyramid, and they're able to ascend to the top half really pretty quickly.

Now on the flip side, I've worked with people who have kind of this false bravado or this ego, and they fought me on everything I was trying to coach them on, and so they stay stuck in the bottom half of this mastery pyramid. So in order to ascend and achieve ultimate success, I believe you have to be humble and you have to assume that you don't know everything.

The third success clue is capacity. So most of my clients past and present, they're very busy people and when they show up to coach with me, they have this calmness about them, which allows them to be completely present with the task at hand. They don't let other things interfere with their learning and their their progress.

So they're able to kind of compartmentalize all these different things they have going on in their life. And this is such a tremendous advantage to operate from a place like this because you can often see your goals through to completion. Now, of course, this means that you have to have a great support network in place, and that you have to lean on others to help you.

So in other words, if you're trying to do this work alone, you're only gonna limit your capacity to do the work. So make sure you have support, make sure you ha you're mentally prepared and that you're willing to do the work, the necessary work that comes along with improving your health and weight loss.

Okay, so let's recap here. We're talking about success clues. And from all the clients I've worked with over the years, I've seen commonalities. And three of those commonalities right off the start are being curious, being humble, and then having this capacity to do the work that's required. So the fourth success clue is extreme ownership.

My most successful clients, they don't make excuses or they don't blame anyone else, and they certainly don't blame themselves. But they have this understanding that they possess the ability to change and they don't abdicate their success or their failures to anyone else or any other circumstance. So there's so much power in this, especially when it comes to weight loss, because a lot of times we wanna blame the way we are raised or our genetics, and then this leaves us completely powerless to move forward in any way.

So, Wherever you are, just take ownership for that and what this will do is give you this sense of control and confidence that you're able to change that. The fifth success clue that my most successful clients possess is they know when to take breaks and they value recovery. So they understand that there's this ebb and flow and they understand that there's, there's time to work and there's time to recover.

And when they're recovering or they're not working, they don't make that mean that they're off track. And so on the flip side of that, the people who I kind of see struggle a lot is they're not willing to take any breaks. And if they have to take a break, it means that they've fallen off the wagon.

That's a common cliche here. And so my most successful clients, they see rest as a necessary part of the process and that it's necessary to ultimately move to the next phase of their growth. And you think that success often comes from striving and powering through? And although I really believe in the value of hard work, absolutely hard work is important, but rest allows us to come back stronger and raise our game to even higher levels.

So if you're striving and pushing too hard, you may burn out. You may have already burned out. So just make sure you're building in these phases of active recovery. The last success clue is to level up. So I have this client named Mike. And we started working together two years ago, and in that time, he's undergone an unbelievable transformation.

When we started working together, Mike weighed 250 pounds and he was on so many medications for his diabetes, for his blood pressure, for his high cholesterol. He was working a job that required him to travel four days a week and stay in hotels and eat out a lot. But worst of all, he was drinking 40 plus drinks a week just to kind of manage his life and cope with everything he had going on.

Now, fast forward to today, two years later, Mike's lost 53 pounds, so he weighs 1 97 even better as he's off all of his meds, but two pills, and he's completely quit drinking. Now you think that Mike was at the finish line, and then he's just coasting. But he's not now. He's leveling up. He's training to run the Boston Marathon, and two years ago he was on a trajectory to early morbidity, and now he's using his newfound health to do epic things in his life.

So he's leading a legacy of good health. So when you drastically change your health and you attain your ideal weight, I challenge you to level up and see what else is possible in your life. Don't just coast at that point. So let's recap. You wanna find people in your life who have done what you want to do, and then look at their blueprint for success, and then adopt what fits your personality or your position.

I've had the great fortune of working with thousands of people, and I've noticed that most people are humble, they're curious. They have this capacity to do the work. They take ownership of where they are and the results that they get. They value recovery. They see that as a necessary part of their success.

And lastly, they don't just rest on the laurels, they level up, they look for the next challenge in order to grow. So that's all I have for you today. If you wanna start your own health and weight loss journey, then I encourage you to connect with me, head on over to the spear and schedule your free consultation.

And we'll get on the call and we'll talk about exactly where you are and where you want to go and how to do that. Thank you so much for listening. I look forward to connecting with you again next week, and in the meantime, keep leading the legacy of good health and longevity.

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